Biblical Geography: Rivers & Mountains
Rivers are intertwined with Biblical history and mountains seem to crop quite a bit in the Bible.
Euphrates (Iraq) is one of the four rivers at the Garden of Eden. It is a paradise created by God on Earth for man to inhabit It and it is where God created Adam and Eve. The other three rivers are Pishon, Gihon & Tigris. Situated in the land of Edom (Israel), Mt Hor (Jordan) was the death place pf Aaron-prophet and elder brother of Moses.
Jacob was resting by the river Jabbok when the angel appeared before him. Jacob and angel wrestled through the night and in the morning, Jacob refused to let the angels leave unless he blessed him. It was here that Jacob was renamed Israel- meaning one who wrestled with God.
Moses was found as a baby among the reeds in river Nile. He was born to an Israelite family at the time the Israelites were slaves in Egypt. By a decree from Pharoah, mid-wives were ordered to kill Israelite boys at birth. Moses’ mother placed him in a basket and set it float on the Nile. The basket was found by Pharaoh’s daughter who raised the child as her own.
Red Sea, God parted this water body for the Israelites to escape from Egyptians. Atop in Mt Sinai and Mt Horeb is where the Ten Commandments are believed to have given to Moses. From Mt Nebo (Jordan), Moses was able to see the Promised Land that he had been travelling for over 40 years and it was also the mountain where he died.
Due to King Ahab’s wickedness and worship of Baal, God declared that no rain would fall over the kingdom for 3 years. During this time, he directed prophet Elijah to hide in the banks of Chorath river (Jordan). Elijah drank from the waters of the brook and fed by ravens while he hid in this region.
Later Elijah challenged the prophets at Mount Caramel and had them executed near River Kishon (Israel). Mount of Olives is mentioned in the Old Testament as being one of the paths that David took inorder to escape Absalom’s rebellion and is also mentioned in the New Testament as being the mountain where Jesus wept over Jerusalem.
Ulai Canal is a river that is mentioned twice in the Bible. It is located near the city of Susa (Iran). It was one of the most important ancient cities and remained a strategic centre. The site currently consists of three archaeological mounds.
River Jordan, John the Baptist baptized Jesus here. Mount Ararat is the tallest peak in Turkey, it is where the Noah’s ark eventually safely landed.
Pool of Siloam, Jesus healed a blind man here and today it is considered by archaeologists to be original site of Jerusalem. Saul, the first king of Israel, killed himself atop Mt Gilboa (Jordan) after he saw that his armies were being defeated by the Philistines.
Sea of Galilee, Jesus calmed the storm. At Mt Moriah (Israel), Solomon built his first temple to God and Abraham offered up his son, Issac.
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